Setup Guide
Setting up a Salesforce Connection in Interloop
Last updated
Setting up a Salesforce Connection in Interloop
Last updated
To connect Salesforce, you need:
Access to an active Salesforce account
A Salesforce Enterprise level account plan or higher, or purchased Salesforce API calls
Disable session IP locking (Op3onal)
If you have Session IP Locking enabled or get an INVALID_SESSION_ID error, go to the Session Settings page and uncheck the Lock sessions to the IP address from which they originated box. It is very rare that this setting needs to be updated (<1% of cases), because by default it is already disabled for the majority of users.
To set up a Salesforce connector, you can use any Salesforce user within your organiza5on that has permission to read data from Salesforce's APIs. However, we recommend crea5ng a dedicated user and limit data access for this user only to data you want to sync. You can limit data access for a user by crea5ng a profile in Salesforce and assigning it to the user.
To create a new user and profile in Salesforce, do the following:
Log in to Salesforce. You must have administra5ve privileges to create a user.
Go to Setup in the top right corner of your screen.
Under the Administra3on tab on the leM side of the screen, click on the Profiles tab.
Click New Profile.
Select Read Only from the Exis3ng Profile drop-down menu.
Enter a memorable name in the Profile Name field. For example, Integra*on User
Click Save. The Profile page will open.
Click Edit in the Profile Detail sec5on.
Scroll down to the Standard Object Permissions section and set the Read permission for the objects that you want sync.
Scroll down to the Custom Object Permissions sec5on and grant the Read permission for the objects that you want to sync.
Click Save.
Under the Administra3on tab on the leM side of the screen, click the Users tab.
Click New User.
Fill in all the required details – you can use as the email address.
Once in place, please email both the username & password to the integra5on team, we will use this User login to create the necessary access creden5als.